Own Your Keys

Transforming Business Trajectory: Harnessing the Power of Grants and Overcoming Financial Traumas

November 25, 2023 Jay and Mink|Tha Godays
Transforming Business Trajectory: Harnessing the Power of Grants and Overcoming Financial Traumas
Own Your Keys
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Own Your Keys
Transforming Business Trajectory: Harnessing the Power of Grants and Overcoming Financial Traumas
Nov 25, 2023
Jay and Mink|Tha Godays

What if you could transform the trajectory of your business with just one grant? That's exactly what happened to us back in 2016, when we successfully secured our first grant - an experience we'll be reminiscing on and unraveling in this episode. We will also share our journey and insights into how we have adeptly leveraged grants to skyrocket our business, and how you can too. So, buckle up as we take this exciting ride, discussing the ins and outs of entrepreneurship, taking full advantage of grants, and the power of networking and accelerators.

In the world of business, there's nothing like the thrill of a grant win, but behind that achievement lies a journey laden with fear, doubt, meticulous planning, and strategic alignment of business objectives. We will reveal our strategies and experiences, emphasizing on the 'why' and 'how' of aligning your business plans with your grant applications. We also delve into the importance of using your grant funds wisely, channeling them towards crucial aspects of your enterprise such as legal services, professional training, and accounting. 

Talking about finance, it's more than just numbers and books. It’s about overcoming financial traumas that hold us back, and rigid mindsets that limit our potential. With a bit of courage and the right mindset, you can turn those stumbling blocks into stepping stones. We’ll share our insights and experiences as we confront our financial fears and traumas, and how we're harnessing the power of a positive mindset to shape a desired life. Get ready for an episode filled with inspiration, empowerment, and practical strategies to fuel your entrepreneurial journey. Let's rise above the noise and make an impact!

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What if you could transform the trajectory of your business with just one grant? That's exactly what happened to us back in 2016, when we successfully secured our first grant - an experience we'll be reminiscing on and unraveling in this episode. We will also share our journey and insights into how we have adeptly leveraged grants to skyrocket our business, and how you can too. So, buckle up as we take this exciting ride, discussing the ins and outs of entrepreneurship, taking full advantage of grants, and the power of networking and accelerators.

In the world of business, there's nothing like the thrill of a grant win, but behind that achievement lies a journey laden with fear, doubt, meticulous planning, and strategic alignment of business objectives. We will reveal our strategies and experiences, emphasizing on the 'why' and 'how' of aligning your business plans with your grant applications. We also delve into the importance of using your grant funds wisely, channeling them towards crucial aspects of your enterprise such as legal services, professional training, and accounting. 

Talking about finance, it's more than just numbers and books. It’s about overcoming financial traumas that hold us back, and rigid mindsets that limit our potential. With a bit of courage and the right mindset, you can turn those stumbling blocks into stepping stones. We’ll share our insights and experiences as we confront our financial fears and traumas, and how we're harnessing the power of a positive mindset to shape a desired life. Get ready for an episode filled with inspiration, empowerment, and practical strategies to fuel your entrepreneurial journey. Let's rise above the noise and make an impact!

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Speaker 1:

People say that, like I'm the grand queen, I honestly can't I read. I don't resonate with that, only because when I was doing those things, it was because I was doing it as a means of.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I was really being resourceful as an entrepreneur, like I didn't even know that. It that now, in 2023, that that's all people to be talking about. It's great. So people just started talking about great, you know. But I've been really doing this since 2015 and it's so weird. So when people say I'm like, I don't feel like that, I just feel like I was just literally a business owner that was in the trenches trying to use every resource.

Speaker 3:

And I want to man to really accelerate.

Speaker 1:

Now, that is what you know.

Speaker 3:

You got all your keys. You got all your keys, you.

Speaker 1:

Some of the hindrances.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Because like those attorneys that that's like professional litigators, I'm like that. They don't seem like happy people, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's how I feel. Like the people that's always on, live on, take talk, talking about like the celebrity things or like what's going on, and then they have like the drama as their background. I'm like those people can not be happy, like if you're sitting there talking about the negative every single day, like they thrive off of that. There's no way that you can be happy because, like energy, energy flows where attention goes and because of that, I'm like if you're sitting there and you're negatively talking about people all day long, all right, that's sure.

Speaker 1:

Even if that's your business, that got behind you feel, and it's like that's the energy that you, that you're, exuded. So I know, that that you can't be a happy person, because a person that's happy, that's filled with joy, they're not gonna gravitate to negative things. Yeah, so this is so, because that's not anymore. So we were talking about the first time we the first grant that we actually won. Well, technically, I Mean we wanted but you didn't really do.

Speaker 1:

Okay, see, that's the, but do you remember the first grant that we, that we won a? What year was in?

Speaker 2:

it was was 2016.

Speaker 1:

I think it was 2017. No, it was 2016. You're right, it was 2016.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because, yeah, we got all the most. Um, yeah, yeah, it was. And fly flyers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so so our first grant that we won um was in 2016, and we, um, we, we want a pitch contest to what I want to pitch contest, I want to grant and um. That was the first time, and we were an accelerator also. That was another thing too. So you guys have never done like an accelerator or anything like that. That would be something great to do, and the reason why is because when you get into these accelerators a lot of times there are different pillars. Um what?

Speaker 2:

Look, I'm about to say this. Y'all so like. This is. This is a prime example of when you are in partnership. You know you're pulling the strength because, look, when it comes to taking a test or Doing a grant or doing a pit like I already, look, I'm throwing a ball over there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just totally interrupted me.

Speaker 3:

I was laughing.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm just, I just was thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

I'm like yeah, I've been smiling so hard so I'm not gonna look at you, but anyway, my cheeks are hurting, but no, on a serious note though, um going like going through accelerators. Um, I've been through even capital ones accelerator, but going back to this one, accelerators really are good, especially, um, according to what level you are in business, even if you are um a seasoned business owner. Um, we talked about this before. There's never. You should never be in a place when you don't want to go further and we're going to accelerators Are just one of those things that you are. You know you're networking, you're you're also building your net, um, your network. You're networking with different people and you know it's always good to be around different people at different stages of their Business, because when you have newbies, you know they're gonna, they're going to. If you've been a seasoned business owner, you are seasoned business owner. That newbie is gonna have new strategies and new things like this, like tick tock. You may have in a season business owner and you don't know anything about tick tock, but then this newbie comes in and they are, they're building their business based off a tick tock, right? So then it's like imagine what you can learn from them. So, going to accelerators are always a good thing.

Speaker 1:

Um, I've done those before also, and that's one of the things. It was like a three part Grants, and then I also won the pitch contest, which that was a whole. That was a totally different set of things. This was the first time I ever won a grant, the first time I've ever had been an accelerator and the first time that I ever, like, did a pitch deck and just all of these things. And I never forget how that grant really really accelerated our company. We were able to purchase all of the. The one thing that we did was purchase marketing materials, you know, um, and that was the thing we, um, we had to put in our grant what the use of funds were going to be.

Speaker 1:

And at the time, again, y'all know we had just started the business in 2016. So y'all know we literally were growing, learning and growing at the time and, um, we were, but we knew that we needed to market. I think it was your idea to do the EDML and right. I think so. Someone had told you yeah.

Speaker 2:

We um Early on in business. We were in the midst of like two big natural disasters, so you know we're here in. Baton Rouge, louisiana. So we had the great flood of 2016 and then we were expanding the business and I think maybe even some months or maybe the following year, they had that big flood in Houston.

Speaker 1:

Oh sure D yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

So in the middle of that, grant we had the opportunity to Really ramp up marketing materials to be able to, you know, market, to hold on those insurance companies between here, and you know, which is about about four hours away from Baton Rouge, right, but those things were were huge because you know, as we know, as a business, the marketing is expensive.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of times that small businesses we don't always make market a marketing budget the primary and our operating expenses. Yeah, you know we thinking about doing everything else first. We thinking about. You know paying payroll, we think about paying. You know the light bill to rent the internet, you know everything that makes it to keep the business afloat and marketing usually takes a backseat.

Speaker 2:

When marketing is really your driving force. That's the money that you have to put towards your business. That's gonna ensure that you continue to have business to come through the door.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that's true, you know, but a lot of times we kinda do it backwards and it's just really, you know, a lot of times it's exposure. You know, sometimes the small businesses. We don't have the opportunity to see how major corporations actually operate. We might see the stuff on TV, seeing commercials and seeing all that stuff is from a budget. Those companies know that if they don't advertise and market, then you're not gonna consume, you're not gonna buy from them.

Speaker 1:

That's just like I mean really and truly, if we think about that. That's just like. You know, mcdonald's always market. It doesn't matter how much money McDonald's make, mcdonald's, wendy's Chick-fil-A, they're always best buy, they're always marketing. And we'll get to a place where we don't market at all.

Speaker 2:

Like we do it once.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we do it once and then, if we don't see any revenue or any benefit, or we don't see the, you know anything? What's the?

Speaker 3:

we don't see the benefits of it. We're gonna be like, oh, and this is not working.

Speaker 1:

But that's the thing you know. Also, you know you have to think about how are you marketing? There's different. There's advertising and then there's marketing also you know. So when you're advertising, that's a totally different dynamic than when you're marketing you know, and so you have to also look at you know what are you doing this for?

Speaker 1:

Do you know who your target customer is? You know. Do you know who your target audience is? Do you know who your target paying customer is? Cause all of those things are different things. And so, when you know, if we don't, if we don't think about anything first, you know, think about marketing, because, again, your marketing is like what Jay said is the driving force, is going to continue to produce revenue for you, because your company, your business, is going to continually be in front of the eyes of different people. You know, and that's what you want.

Speaker 1:

You want a different set of eyes on your business. Because, guess what? You, we know this, right, people say this all the time a customer, a consumer, has to see your business. You have to market to them six times before they buy, right, you know? And normally people buy and purchase from companies that they know, they trust. You know that, they know and they trust. So if they don't know you, if they saw you on time and you know you know, they not really feeling it are they going to purchase from you? But then if they see it six times, and then that six time, they may be in a place where they actually need what you're marketing to them, right, you know? And so that just goes to show that you cannot market one time. But marketing also has to be. Marketing has to be, has to be you, it has to be. If you are the person that is, you feel as though you, you know, you the train in the business that keeps on rolling.

Speaker 2:

That's how marketing should be for you. You know and you got to understand. As a business owner, you got to develop the mindset that marketing is ongoing. It never stops, it, never stops it needs to be just as important as your internet bill, your rent. You know your payroll, whatever the thing that you're going to hustle, and make sure that it's paid every single month. Your marketing budget has to be just as important.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, but again it's one of those situations.

Speaker 1:

The black hole of black companies, for sure Right.

Speaker 2:

It's one of those situations that we'll kind of let fall about the wayside, because it's it's. We don't really see. The ramifications of not doing it aren't as prevalent as some of the other stuff. If you don't pay your internet bill your internet going to get cut off. You don't pay your office rent you going to get evicted. If you don't pay you know your payroll you're not going to have no staff. The marketing of you don't. If you don't market, you think in your mind all right, I still need to get by. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because you, because you, because again it's the mindset, because you feel like you are making the business work. You know, but that's the whole point of getting out of the worker mentality. You know you can't always be the worker, you can't be the one that's needing a bread all the time you know what.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying you may have to get you a electronic meter net or whatever you want to think that needs the bread. You know what I'm saying? You may have to get one of those. That's right, like. I'm just going for real, but going back to what we were talking about.

Speaker 2:

So, everybody, let me ask you this one real quick. If you like the brand queen.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. So when people say that I really it's like gory to be innocent and like I've been on, you know a lot of been on a lot of people and they always be like.

Speaker 1:

You know, cause I've we've won over six figures in green, and the crazy part about it is I need to say this you know, we had so much success, jay and I really got on social media between the between the years of 2018, 2019. So, mind you, we had, we started our business in 2015 and we literally you know, had six figure contracts since 2015,.

Speaker 1:

But we were not social media people, and so it's so funny because you know we've won out, We've done all of these great things and we never marketed on social media or like tried to prove that we've done all these things. So now, when people say that, it's like I have to go back to emails from 2016, 17, 2018, of like awards.

Speaker 1:

when I was nominated for like SBA Small Business Personnel year, Like I had to go back and like prove to people that this stuff actually happened because we never marketed. So when people say that like I'm the grand queen, I honestly can't, I don't resonate with that, only because when I was doing those things, it was because I was doing it as a means of as a being a resourceful, yes, I was really being resourceful as an entrepreneur, like I didn't even know that now in 2023, that that's all people to be talking about is great.

Speaker 1:

And people just started talking about greats you know, but I've been really doing this since 2015 and it's so weird. So when people say I'm like, I don't feel like that. I just feel like I was just literally a business owner that was in the trenches trying to use every resource and known to man to really accelerate and keep.

Speaker 1:

Now, that is what you know, like you know, that. That is what I resonate with I'm like, yeah, like you got a when you, when you don't come from an entrepreneur family and when you, um, you know how people say, get it out the mud is like you figure it out. But then you figure out what works and then you continue to do what works and you continue to grow from there and I feel like that is what you know I resonate with the most. But what were you gonna say?

Speaker 2:

Why don't you think more entrepreneurs Taking advantage of brands?

Speaker 1:

Oh, because I was talking to one of my girlfriends just recently and we had this 50 day um Finish strong plan. So I'm I'm big about that and it's, and we had a lot of things happen this year and we I was like I really want to do this 50 day um finish strong plan for for 2023 and one of the One of the components of it for me, one of the goals that I wanted to reach with in the 50 days was to submit at least five grades. And so her and I you know I'm trying to be her accountability partner because I really believe in her, her dreams and I believe in her goals and I know that sometimes we need that. So, um, she. So I was like I said, well, I'm gonna make sure that I do at least five to ten grants. Seven was gonna be my, my middle number and um, she was like I think I'm gonna do one and I say, well, why, you know? And she was like.

Speaker 1:

She was like, honestly, me, she said the reason why I said she said because in the back of my mind, I feel like I'm not gonna win them. So then I'm like I'm not gonna do them, but imagine me being in a cohort of 30 people and being the person that wins the pitch contest Out of 30 people and some of these were seasoned business owners right, not only did I win the pitch contest, I was in the accelerator where I where I got numerous of contacts, some of them we still have and then I also was what was um able to be put into capital ones pitch contest also. So imagine me thinking I'm not gonna give into this, I'm not gonna even try for this grant because I'm not gonna win it.

Speaker 3:

You see what I'm saying and all of the other grants that I that.

Speaker 1:

I want, and so when she said that, I said I said that's the wrong mindset to have you know, as an entrepreneur. If you, when you're writing grants, because of the information that you are putting in your grant consistently your mission, your objectives, the impact, the budget, the use of funds your that means that you're constantly looking at your company, which is a lot of times what people don't do.

Speaker 1:

You know, we don't, we're not constantly in the trenches with our company every single quarter, looking at what works, what didn't work, what can I put more energy into that will make it work. And I feel like when you are applying for grants, because every grant application asks for something different.

Speaker 3:

You're analyzing.

Speaker 1:

You're looking at your company from a totally different way. So you know what you're, because sometimes we'll get opportunities that seem like they're aligned right, but then you go back to the objectives of your company and the mission you like. Wait, this is not really aligned, so that won't even throw you off on going down the left side of the road because you like wait.

Speaker 2:

This is not even a Applying to what actually kind of what applied to your business Right and then it also helps you to to, to, to, to think about.

Speaker 1:

You know, you're constantly, if you're constantly constantly in the trenches doing these things, right, even if you say I'm applying for two grants a month, right, and then this grant may ask you this and this grant may ask you this. Now you're like you're looking at your business from a totally different way, right.

Speaker 2:

And what's the harm?

Speaker 1:

Right. What's the?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And if you're saving the information, I this is what I do. I have so many documents of every single grant that I've applied for, all of the questions that it had. That is asked in documents when I can go back and look at all of the things and I'm telling you me applying for so many grants, but even for even for a million dollars, it has made, it has made my purpose even stronger, because, guess what I'm able to do? I'm able to go back and I'm able to look at these other companies that have one of these grants from the previous years.

Speaker 1:

And guess what I do. Then I go look at their companies. Right, and when I'm looking at their companies, it not only helps me with my company and gives me insight, but it also helps me to even develop my grant strategy, to continue to have a grant strategy, and you shouldn't depend on grants. That's one of the things you should. You know Grants should be in addition to your company. All right, you know it shouldn't be something that you are relying on, you know. But when you are getting grants especially if you are new business on the right or if you have a tech company they have so many different grants out there what are you going after the grant for? You know.

Speaker 2:

But not to cut you off, but just but just. Even in that regard, if you're operating a business and you know that there's things, there's certain things that any small, every small business is going to need for growth, yeah, that's accounting services. A lot of small businesses like good accounting. A lot of small businesses lack good legal um. A lot of small businesses like training.

Speaker 2:

And you want a grant for training, and so those are those are very like key things to me to use grant funds for and which in which the funders Like to see those companies use their dollars for. Yes, you know, so that eliminates you having to take money out of your operating budget, out of your, out of your cash flow To make, to basically put money towards making sure you have Policies and procedures to make sure you got an employee handbook to make sure that you could, that you got a benefit package, are written down a benefit package policy.

Speaker 1:

We want to grant for that too. Those grant funds are there to help you like. Put money towards the things that you need as a business to develop the infrastructure for growth. Yes, every business needs training every business we want to grant for. We want to grant for one of the. We were doing a lot of the remodeling and construction. We literally won a grant for the software that we needed, which is an expensive people that are in, that are in the construction field.

Speaker 1:

They know, like this, like software for construction is very expensive, but we want to grant to be able to get the software for construction. And then, yes, what else? Not only that, we also want a great to get the training to teach us how to even utilize the software that we actually needed. And then just last year we put a whole safety policy and training into play from grant funds from grant funds and we also one of the one of the top executives for CarGuy, which is the company that works with McDonald's. They were the.

Speaker 1:

They were the ones that produce like their jams and all of those things we were able, we were able to to hire this consultant that did all of these things for a Mac, for the Mac, for the Beluzo company, to actually come and help us strategize for growth in our company. We had this idea and we were like we need a, not an engineer. We were like we need a strategist, but I forget like how we actually dove into. We were like to really decide if this is going to be a really good pivot for our company, if it was going to be a revenue producer for our company before we put all of our time, effort and energy into doing this and then it doesn't even produce any revenue. And so he was able to, literally he researched. So we were at this time you remember what it was, we were trying to come up with our own products. So he did all of the research for product development, different companies that do these products. You know how their revenue is. What else were you going to say?

Speaker 2:

safety data.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, the chemicals, the chemicals that lie in it was so much information and it was over, probably like a, I know at least three months, a three month period to where it was so much data that he actually accumulated for us, put all the data together and then we came back to the table and he was like this is the, this is the data right here, this is if you do this, this is this, this is a, this is big, this is C to where?

Speaker 1:

we were like okay, we made a decision we were like.

Speaker 3:

this is not.

Speaker 1:

This is not a good business decision.

Speaker 1:

You know, but again, this is, this is we're telling you multiple greats. Just last year, j won a grant from the BMW Foundation, you know, for one of the technical ideas that he had. He submitted this, all the information, and he won the grant, but it was a training grant and they actually helped him to develop the plan for this company, you know, and so there's so many different grants out there, you guys, but having a great strategy, knowing what your objectives are for your company, knowing where you're going, you know and just I mean just identify, like your goals and your needs, like what are your needs, even your revenue needs. So, again, you don't want to depend on grants, but you definitely want to develop your needs for your company and your company growth, at least year one to five. You know, and I think you should talk about, like Goldman Sachs, like, briefly, you know how that helps us.

Speaker 2:

Now, that wasn't a grant or anything but um yeah, I mean it's a, it's a cohort, an accelerator for business owners, and that that goes back into professional development. Yeah, you know, as a business owner, as a. Ceo, you should always be putting yourself in a position for professional development.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because, as you, grow, then you help your team grow. A lot of times that business, as business owners, will get stagnant in. You know the day to day, the hustle and bustle and what Goldman does. It forces you to remove yourself from the business to where you only can work on the business. So you you have to, by default, set up infrastructure while you're in this program in the 16 weeks.

Speaker 2:

16 weeks set up infrastructure while you're in this program, so your business can still operate at least one full day, but you not being there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that, and that's usually that's a.

Speaker 2:

That's a. That is a struggle for a small business owner.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is To even take a move to prepare to prepare coming into that cohort.

Speaker 2:

I can remember talking to so many of my cohort members and just thinking about the timeframe before it actually before the cohort started of everything that they said that they had to do to prepare to be there for that one full day Because the program is so rigorous. You know, at your mind, cause that's what I thought, I said I'm going to be there, go, I can still answer emails because the type of work I do I can.

Speaker 1:

I can be anywhere. Oh, he can do any of that. I can answer emails, I can run to.

Speaker 2:

You know, answer a phone call like no, you can't do that. You have to be there, you have to be present. You cannot be on your phone, you cannot be on your computer and the the the time that I was at lunch, which was a 30 minute lunch, the time that we get to go to the bathroom that was never enough time for me to be able to Conduct any business. So I have to set up, I have to make sure that my sister knew what to do. I have to make sure that my team knew what to do on that day that I was there.

Speaker 1:

So that was a. Sometimes it was twice a week. Yeah, sometimes it was twice a week.

Speaker 2:

But they, but they, but they beat you in with the one day a week. Right and then when you get in there, they never have a couple weeks where they say, oh, this week we got to come two times a week.

Speaker 2:

But that's the. That's the. That's the start of the foundation of teaching you as a CEO. You got to look at your business from a bird's eye, a bird's eye view. You got to sit on, you got to look at it from from up and you got to look down low and see, okay, how is my business moving? What are the actual components? Like what?

Speaker 2:

is what is happening over here and how is that impacting this part over here? What am I doing in the finance department that's affecting my human resources, or what are my operating systems working? What kind of tech do I have that can make this thing work better? But as long as you in it because you got to think as a CEO, you the octopus as long as you in it. You could do ever, you, you. It's a float because you're doing everything.

Speaker 2:

You haven't delegated nothing because you're not trusting that you actually have put the processes in place to give to somebody else.

Speaker 1:

And we struggle with that so much. As a black community like we, we birthed a lot of our businesses Out of just, you know, passion projects you know, and so then we get so emotionally attached to them that you know we feel like we physically have to do everything. If, instead of us properly putting training protocols together to properly train someone in our companies will say oh they not doing it right after the first?

Speaker 1:

day that they're there, then you trying to do it. We don't even get our expectations be so high of hiring people and getting people to do certain things that as soon as they don't do something right the first time.

Speaker 1:

We're not even giving them a chance, you know, to even get it right, because then we're saying, oh, I'm gonna do it. But as as as a as a community of black entrepreneurs and black business owners, we have to remove ourselves from the day-to-day work to really build our companies to the levels that we want them to be built to, and we have to totally remove ourselves out of it, start working on our businesses Instead of working in our businesses, so that we can actually get to our desire to expect the incomes, because if we're continuing, if we're continuing Continually, continually operate, but if we're continually working hoeing, hoeing, you know I think that was like the wrong thing.

Speaker 3:

You know when you ho yeah like I'm thinking about like the okay, Like plowing the field.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's probably even, but now I'm just saying like that's always what I think about when we're working. That's how we be working on our businesses.

Speaker 2:

But then to go back to you, gotta like you gotta know why you're in business.

Speaker 1:

Right. And so going to the why you're in business, so going to the grants part. So when you are thinking about why you're in business and you see all of these grants right, and some of them are not aligned to your business, right, you look at, you're looking at the eligibility, you're looking at the requirements, which you should first do. Anyway, you're not going to waste time applying for these grants that don't even align to your business, because I know what I'm in business for, I know where I'm trying to grow to, so I'm not going to spend my time and waste my time or something that ain't even aligned to what I'm trying to do.

Speaker 2:

Oh that sounded so good. That's key to know why you're in business, because a lot of times entrepreneurs get wrapped up personally, emotionally, to the business and they don't even know what the exit is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you should definitely build your business to exit your child. We have to get out of the mindset that, oh, I'm gonna build this business and give it to my child, I'm gonna build a family business. Sometimes your family does not want to be in business or want the business. So don't let your legacy just stop with the business, because your legacy is in the values that you transfer within your family anyway. So if you're transferring the value of wealth, the value of family, the value of having strong beliefs, of standards and morals, that's what you're transferring, for the legacy, that's going to be your family business, right, not necessarily a actual business.

Speaker 1:

So I think that that's another thing that we have to get out of the mindset is like we build the businesses on our back and we're scared to build them to exit. No, build a business to exit and don't let your family values just stop with your business, you know. So, going back to the grants, because I definitely want to make sure that we leave you guys, we're going to leave some of the, some of the grants that you know they have right now, with some of the deadlines in the show notes. So make sure that you all go check the show notes and make sure that you all send this to someone that can benefit from this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Send that to them and like, comment and subscribe. Download this podcast. Go to Hello Alice. If you are a woman in business like I'm a woman in business, like I'm a man. Right here, though, textsars has a grant right now. The workshop, the workshop at I'm going to look at my board real quick, so don't judge me the workshop at Basie's, the Stacey Rise Project. Like I said, we're going to leave these in the show notes also.

Speaker 1:

And we're going to do another podcast talking about accelerators, because we've been through a few accelerators, business cohorts and definitely have given us a totally different mindset when it comes to growing your business, the business relationships that you build, revenue, different revenue streams, different ways to grow your business just so many different things.

Speaker 2:

But if you guys want to get a little bit more up close and personal with applying for grants, a little bit more insight, join the community.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, please join the community.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, at least once a month Mink is running a grant webinar in the community. The money masses. Community. Join the community, tap in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll also leave that in the show notes for you guys to join the community. We do so many different things in the community. So many different webinars. We do at least one webinar every single week. Just different challenges because at the end of the day, you know the whole goal of all of this is that we're taking the money journey together. You know all of the financial traumas and you've had the familiar traumas. You know the, the rigid mindset. We are really overcoming all of those things to really build a life that we want to live, because that's what owners, that's what all your keys is all about, that's what ownership over obstacles is all about is we're. We're moving the obstacles. We're taking ownership of our lives. We're taking ownership of our mindset over our beliefs. I stand us and we're really building the lives that we want to live.

Speaker 1:

The, the the lives that God really designed for us live you know, so yeah, so y'all tune in next time. I'm your host.

Speaker 2:

Mink J Go Day AKA Mr On your Keys, AKA the Monopoly Boss, what's going?

Speaker 3:

What's F? My hustle could take the blame. To little. Find my name. Gotta walk through the rain. Gotta go through the pain. You gotta soak up the game, create your own lanes, switch gears never change. Level up and gain. You can have everything Long as you do one thing. You just got all your keys. You just got all your keys.

The Importance of Marketing and Accelerators
The Importance of Grants for Entrepreneurs
Grant Strategy and Business Growth
Overcoming Financial Traumas, Building Desired Life