Own Your Keys

Finding the Rhythm in Your Joint Financial Journey

January 18, 2024 Jay and Mink|Tha Godays
Finding the Rhythm in Your Joint Financial Journey
Own Your Keys
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Own Your Keys
Finding the Rhythm in Your Joint Financial Journey
Jan 18, 2024
Jay and Mink|Tha Godays

Have you ever tangoed with tension over shared finances, or felt the thrill of aligning your money goals with your partner's? Join me, J Gaudet, aka Mr. On Your Keys, the Monopoly Boss, as we candidly unravel the knots in the purse strings that can entangle even the best of couples. 
Get ready to discover how Aquarius and Capricorn influences can spice up your financial life, and play along as we indulge in a game that reflects our financial personalities. You'll walk away with a fresh perspective on managing money with your better half—without stepping on each other's toes.

Budgeting doesn't have to mean clipping coupons in silence. This episode shines a spotlight on the dance of dollars and sense within a relationship, where the music stops if communication isn't in step with the financial plan. We'll share why understanding the 'why' behind your budget can help you hit the right notes, and how sprinkling in a few rewards keeps the rhythm exciting. It's about finding that sweet spot between financial constraints and personal fulfillment—so grab your partner and let's waltz through the practicalities of merging bank accounts with grace.

The journey for financial independence is like a marathon with a victory lap that never ends; the key is balancing the sprint for savings with the marathon of life's pleasures.

 We'll explore the harmony between seizing the day and stashing away for the rainy days, all while having a blast guessing whether a Capricorn or an Aquarius would be more likely to splurge on a last-minute vacation or a premium subscription service. The episode wraps up by emphasizing the power of positive money dialogues and the joy of understanding the rhythm of your own financial journey. 

Thanks for tuning in—let's level up, master our money, and confidently orchestrate our financial futures together.

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Own Your Keys
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever tangoed with tension over shared finances, or felt the thrill of aligning your money goals with your partner's? Join me, J Gaudet, aka Mr. On Your Keys, the Monopoly Boss, as we candidly unravel the knots in the purse strings that can entangle even the best of couples. 
Get ready to discover how Aquarius and Capricorn influences can spice up your financial life, and play along as we indulge in a game that reflects our financial personalities. You'll walk away with a fresh perspective on managing money with your better half—without stepping on each other's toes.

Budgeting doesn't have to mean clipping coupons in silence. This episode shines a spotlight on the dance of dollars and sense within a relationship, where the music stops if communication isn't in step with the financial plan. We'll share why understanding the 'why' behind your budget can help you hit the right notes, and how sprinkling in a few rewards keeps the rhythm exciting. It's about finding that sweet spot between financial constraints and personal fulfillment—so grab your partner and let's waltz through the practicalities of merging bank accounts with grace.

The journey for financial independence is like a marathon with a victory lap that never ends; the key is balancing the sprint for savings with the marathon of life's pleasures.

 We'll explore the harmony between seizing the day and stashing away for the rainy days, all while having a blast guessing whether a Capricorn or an Aquarius would be more likely to splurge on a last-minute vacation or a premium subscription service. The episode wraps up by emphasizing the power of positive money dialogues and the joy of understanding the rhythm of your own financial journey. 

Thanks for tuning in—let's level up, master our money, and confidently orchestrate our financial futures together.

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Speaker 1:

Music, Everything you Want On Top of Everything you Need. Just Got to own your pertains. Nobody Care civilians Can Gonna Break what I'm real. I took the long way gotta leave treasure for my kids, kids pleasure. Every loss been the lesson and the unexpected blessing.

Speaker 3:

What's up you guys? Welcome you to the on your keys a podcast. I'm your host. Make em got my cheesy Right here.

Speaker 2:

J go day aka mr On your keys, aka monopoly boss was good.

Speaker 3:

So, anyway, what's up you guys? So, um, today's podcast, because right now I'm just about to tell y'all, see, don't get on here with all that and all that you need to go, but anyway. So you're not gonna be clearing your throat on here, cool? So, oh, yeah, he's having a little what you, what you call those hissy fit, yeah, but anyway, we're not even gonna give into that energy Because we're just not so. Welcome back y'all, because it's been a minute. But you know we've gone through some changes and you know this is a new year, this is our first podcast recording of 2024 and we had some great things in store for this year. But, more importantly, I'm just working together as a couple, even though just now we just were not working together. But you know that's the end. Are there? We're good Team? Not, but you know we're on.

Speaker 3:

On a serious note, though, sometimes you do have those. You have productive conflicts in your relationship. We talk about that and nothing is wrong with that. But it's really just how, how, how far you take it. You know how far you take it, how long you let it lag. You know you have a. I don't want to want to set an issue, but you have a issue, you know, you talk about it, you get over it and then you keep continuing on with what you have going on because, at the end Of the day, that's what a lot of couples do, you know they don't know how to check in and then check out. You know it's like check in, let's get through whatever it is, and then get the business clear and keep it moving, Keep it moving, keep it pushing.

Speaker 2:

You know, which goes directly to what we're talking about today. Y'all you know being Aquarius and Capricorn couple, so you just had a birthday.

Speaker 3:

Yes, happy birthday to me.

Speaker 2:

How you, how you feeling.

Speaker 3:

Um I feel grateful, I really truly do, um, you know, getting wiser cuz I'm not getting out, I'm getting wiser, so getting wiser. Um, you start to you know really. You know tap into the things that money can't buy but that you can use money as a tool for. You know, and I think that a lot of times you know when you're young, you just trying to live. You know and you know, just like yellow and no real strategy no real strategy.

Speaker 3:

And then you get to a point to where you're like, wait, I'm, I am behind because I haven't done some of the things that I should have done. You know, preparation. You get to a point to where you have to be reactive. Um, and then when you, when you get to a point to where you become reactive in life, I feel like that's when you can't really give gratitude and be grateful for what you have because you're too busy trying to survive. So reactive makes you, put you in a position to where you need to survive. You know, and I think that that's what you know, when you are growing and you're getting older, you're becoming wiser, you're really able to tap into those experiences, because you're not, you don't have that yolo mentality, you see what I'm saying now you're more you're, you're slow living.

Speaker 3:

Now, now you can really really tap into the things that you know are going to kind of carry you through the rest of your life. And I think that that's like with this. You know, these last couple of years have been for me like for my birthday. It's like, you know, I'm in a place where, you know, the things that I actually want now are so expensive that I have to do the things that I have to do to be able to achieve those things, because, yeah, I can just go and get them, but then it's like, what is that gonna do for me financially? And am I doing it just because I, because I want to do it, or am I doing it because I actually achieve something and now I can congratulate myself, you know, with my accomplishments?

Speaker 2:

you know, yeah, it's funny, you know, like when I started like kind of looking into this topic, you know, not so big on, you know, the zodiac signs, because all it is is character, personality traits. Yeah with the outline and you know I'm an aquarius. Mink is a Capricorn and I thought it was interesting to to identify how, how these two signs correlate with each other when they respond to Finances, when working with each other as a couple, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's so many couples that have different personality traits on how they approach life situations and you know, specifically in finance, that Directly ties into like who they are as a person. Yeah and a lot of times, if you don't identify, like how the person that you would, how y'all, actually Communicate, how you actually work together, you could be clashing and not really know why you clash.

Speaker 3:

That's good and like elaborate on that a little bit.

Speaker 2:

So it's like so for instance, you know, we and we go to that, dive into this. A little later we got a little game we don't play, but for instance like oh, we do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, that's what we got some questions we're gonna ask each other and we gotta, we gotta, like, you know, okay, guess who we talking about? Okay, but you know, I know, for me, as an aquarius, I'm a free spirited person and Having somebody like being married to a Capricorn, that's a lot more direct, that's a lot more structure, you know it's. It has taken time for us to actually incorporate that into our financial trajectory for in our life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's true because for me it's like I, you know I'm. It's like Yolo, you know, like I, I wanna, I want to experience things and I wouldn't at a point in my life I wasn't so much focused on the strategy and the structure of future. Planning is like man, we got money today, let's go and that, and that was how that's, that was how I was living, living our, living our life. You know to where it's like. I have to kind of take a step back and say, you know, I had to lean more towards her characteristics to understand like no, we do need to Think a little bit more further on how we're gonna plan something, you know. So you want to take a trip, like I, really go, you know. But you need to put some money to a side for a few months so we can actually enjoy ourselves, not just blowing the bad and going on the trip and to come back and try to figure it out.

Speaker 3:

But you see, a lot of couples actually clash with that. Because another thing is, like I heard you say communication, but really and truly it's. You know, when you have one cup, when you have one person in a relationship, that is that is trying to make sure that the cup, that the relationship I keep saying couple, but make sure the relationship is going in a certain direction you know that person is not open-minded and they value what that person. They value that person first and they value what they're actually saying. They're not gonna take what that person is saying as something that's Constructed, they're gonna take it as you trying to control me, you know, and so forth and so on, which also creates another barrier and another wall.

Speaker 3:

And you know in your relationship because when you think about it, it's like if I'm telling you which I have, you know, through the years, you know it would be like let's do this, let's do that. You know and you were open to it. But what if you weren't? Because I was trying to control you, because you are a free spirit, spirit of person. Just imagine how, how many problems that we would have had as we still progress in life. Because you know, everyone knows, when you're on a financial journey, the earlier the better. You know what I'm saying and so, technically even, even in going into that, it's like that openness I'm not even gonna say open communication, I'm just gonna say that openness period, you know is what is something that you really have to tap into. Regardless of what your characteristic traits are and your personality traits are, you have to be open to receive from the other person, no matter what right and that, and that really goes into identifying like the person that you're going to be connected with, because, as an Aquarian, we're very adaptable.

Speaker 2:

you know we're open-minded. So we'll give that, we'll give that leeway for you to actually give us criticism and even adapt, but if it's not coming in the form of of help and guidance, then we're going to shut it down.

Speaker 3:

So when you say it's not coming in a form of help and guidance, like what other form could it be coming?

Speaker 2:

in the form of control.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and then like, what would that look like?

Speaker 2:

So example of that would be like you telling me bring me your paycheck home every week.

Speaker 3:

Oh wow, do you think people say that? Oh yes, indeed. Well, do you think that women say that kind of stuff?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, women say that and men do it. You know something men do it and women say it, or vice versa. Whatever you, know what I'm saying, but that for somebody of my type of character trait, you telling me to bring me your check, my check, every week and don't tell me why, and showing me how that action is going to help us.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's going to be a form of control to me.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so let's. So I do kind of feel like y'all that is like extreme. So I want to say like what's something that is not extreme, that something that maybe, like more people can't relate to, because I don't think that a lot of people are going to be able to relate to. You know, your spouse saying bring me your paycheck. I don't think a lot of people are going to be able to relate to that, but I think that what a lot of people will be able to relate to is bank account.

Speaker 2:

It's having like a share bank account or even like dressing Right. Okay, like let's say so, just say if, if, if, if you didn't want me to wear something and you just was like you can't wear this, you can't wear this particular outfit, but there was no context on why I can't wear this particular outfit.

Speaker 3:

Okay and see, it's so difficult for me I'm just being real. It's difficult to meet for me, to think about women saying that to me and in a match, Because I was always, because I was in a controlled relationship.

Speaker 2:

I was too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know you were too, so what I'm saying is but you didn't listen, or did you?

Speaker 2:

I mean to a certain extent because you want to have, because, as a queried, you want to have peace.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

So, even if your situation is toxic, it's still a part of our makeup where, like, the peace is water, so the peace is the ultimate goal. So you're so, like In most and almost every situations.

Speaker 3:

So people allow which, okay, which. I don't feel like this has anything to do with astrology, but I do feel as though people will allow certain toxic traits to be a determining in their way Well, I don't want to say a determining, but it is a determining in their relationship. They allow it for peace Because I know, like for me, going back to that, I don't, I don't think, like I'm, like I said again, the shawty play a role in this. But I can remember, like certain things, like I was, like I'm not about to wear shorts because I knew about where shorts it was a trigger. I knew about wore, you know, a skirt.

Speaker 1:

you know that is raising up because my you know my mother or whatever like that was going to be a trigger.

Speaker 3:

So I didn't wear those kind of things for the peace. But going back to what you were saying, we were talking about like those things like how do you think that like two people that have different characteristics and, you know, different money mindset, and then the one person feels as though it's a good you know, it's a good thing to have a shared bank account, like elaborate on that. What you were talking about with the control thing and all of that and how that can actually be a barrier for someone to even want to integrate together in my relationship. If I feel like me, put my money with you, you're going to control me or I don't want to do it because it's my money.

Speaker 2:

So let's give this example you, you know your characteristic, your characteristic personality traits. You're very structured, you have to have a goal, you have to see where you're going.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2:

Us having a shared bank account. I might not have that same perspective, but I trust you. We together, we're going to have a shared bank account. And then you say you, you were like Jay both of our money going into the account. You say, look, don't spend more than $200 out there, count a week. And you just leave it like that Right. Okay, you say don't spend more than $200 out there counting. I'm like I'm like, well, dang, I know I'm putting $2,000.

Speaker 1:

I'm putting all my money into the account every week, yeah, but I don't even spend $200.

Speaker 2:

Now, from you, there's good reason on why you telling me only spend $200 out there. Right, in that context you have a, you already developed a structure, whether in your mind or on paper, on how this money is going to flow. Right, but if that wasn't shared with me, that wasn't communicated to me, then automatically you telling me don't spend $200. I'm like dang, you trying to control my money.

Speaker 3:

Right, so it goes back to having that conversation, right. So that's really what it goes back to. It's like when you have those two different personality types and you come together and you're you know, you're just one house, one goal, one mind. How you're able to really accomplish those goals is that you check in with each other and you have those open conversations. And another thing, too, is that even in the open conversations, you have to be vulnerable, because I know that sometimes true, I've heard this so many times, we've heard this you know, when having that, when having those open conversations, it gets to the point to where, if you, if you are saying $200, you know, put the $200 up, and then you know you get it, but you don't understand it, right.

Speaker 3:

Like you see what I'm saying yes, Then it's like you really feel a certain type of weight because you really don't want to spend $200. You want to spend more, but then you don't want to offend the other person. Right, you know, because you get it but you don't understand it. And then you feel deprived. Right, and as humans, the one thing that we don't want that's why it's hard for us to budget.

Speaker 3:

It's hard for humans to budget. It's because of deprivation. We don't want to feel restricted. But it's not about feeling restricted. The best thing to me and I was thinking about this it's really about developing the budget around your life to where you have flexibility and where you can adapt, but also to where you still have your non-negotiables.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you got to know the why.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the one, the why is powerful, the how becomes super, super, super easy, Right.

Speaker 2:

And the time when we're budgeting, we don't know what we're budgeting for.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And the reality of y'all is that most of the time we're not always real with ourselves about our money.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We'll kind of like let something escape and we'll just, you know, not really be open. And it's one of those situations where you have to be really transparent. First you got to be transparent with yourself to even know that it's some things that you got to correct. But the ultimate thing when it comes to budgeting is that people feel like that if I budget then I have to restrict myself of things. Yeah, and I say that from just of my personality type of feeling that you know early on, of just thinking like man, if I actually have to commit to a budget, I ain't gonna be able to be out here just free. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying I'm gonna have some kind of restrictions on myself, but how?

Speaker 3:

do you reframe your mindset to where you don't feel restricted, because I think that's a big thing. I think that that's you know.

Speaker 2:

it's a really big thing, yeah so you have to actually see that, no matter what your budget is, you always have the ability to increase. So wherever you start, it's not where you're gonna end. Your budget right now could be 60% of your income. That might be right now and that might be $2,000 a month, but if you're on the path for growth, then by next year or the year after that, that 60% might be $10,000.

Speaker 3:

But what do you do mentally whenever you feel restricted? So, whenever you put yourself on a budget, there does have to be some type of I don't want to say restriction.

Speaker 2:

You got a budget for the rewards too. Okay, that's good, so you have to make sure that some of that money that you're budgeting for is allocated for you, to reward it, for you to live life.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And that changes the dynamic of oh, I'm just budgeting to pay bills, so I'm just budgeting to have money sitting on the side, or budgeting for emergency, like now. We want to live life, we want to experience the finer things in life and you can, because the only difference from you budgeting and not budgeting you still gonna go experience some things. You still gonna go buy the car that you wanted. You still gonna go buy the clothes you wanted, you still gonna go buy the jewellery. But guess what you're gonna do?

Speaker 3:

You're gonna struggle to get it, you're gonna struggle to end and struggle to keep it.

Speaker 2:

Right, and then you're gonna make a decision. You're gonna make a now decision that you're gonna still be paying for 10 years from now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's so good, that's so, so, so good. And I actually saw one TikTok lady was talking about how her and her husband live in the studio apartment and you know they only live off of one income, but they have two incomes. They live off of one income and the other income is strictly to pay off that, and you heard so many people. She was saying they don't go out to eat only for special occasions and things like this, and you saw a lot of the comments was like that's a sad life. You know, life is too short to live like that.

Speaker 3:

But the thing about it is that people that are financially strained which most people are, you know, 68% of Americans have said that they are super stressed out. Their anxiety levels are at an all-time high and depression, mental health is at an all-time high due to their finances. That's literally almost 70%. That's more than half of Americans. So when you think about it, when you think about people saying you know life is so short, you still, you still, regardless of life is short or not, you still financially stressed out. So so, whether you go right then and there cause this is the thing that people have to stop lying to the stuff about you can go to brunch or whatever it is. You can go enjoy that thing, but are you really enjoying it with peace? Are you enjoying it because you?

Speaker 2:

it's not even a real enjoyment If you know If you don't eat that, you know that you gonna be struggling.

Speaker 3:

You gonna be struggling. So it was like that is I don't know. That's just how I feel. I'm like we've done it before. I'll never forget one of the times we went to Vegas and we was waiting on what like a $30,000 deposit and it was so crazy. We went to Vegas, we made it, but literally the way that me and Jay like to travel and the things that we like to do, it's crazy. Like we, like we trying to live it up, we wait cause we going to look. We was like we going to barns that's where barns is still open Like we was like we about to go do all these things. Literally, we could not.

Speaker 3:

We enjoyed like the first day, but we were literally like waiting on this deposit only because we wanted to spend money, and the thing about it is is that we didn't we really didn't even need to spend the money that we were spending, right, you know. And it's like when you go, even when you do that, it's like how much are you really enjoying whatever you're doing, whether you're on a trip, whether you're going out to eat, whether you're having girls like how much are you?

Speaker 3:

really enjoying it when you know that the money that you have to spend you needed for something else and then you still gonna go home and be stressed.

Speaker 2:

Right. The thing is is that most people are not willing to live their life for a short time like majority of the people won't live, so they can live the rest of their life like most people can't live.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like, if you just take account of your 2023, you just go back one year and you think about all of the things that you splurged or you experienced, right, those things still gonna be there this year.

Speaker 3:

They still gonna be there this year, if you're still alive. Those things are still there this year, and if you're not alive, you're not worried about it.

Speaker 2:

So think about if you were to took last year and implemented some of the disciplines that would have put you in a different financial situation.

Speaker 3:

And that's something that we did last year and that's something that that's a trajectory that we're on. Like J and I, we would go on vacations, I think probably I'm gonna say at least every other month, like you know, just all kind of stuff that we would do, you know, and we got to the point, even in 2022, where we was like, well, even though we had, you know, certain things, saved certain things, saved retirement, all the things that we should have been doing to really maximize that we've won, because we were still living in the now.

Speaker 2:

Right and the goal is financial independence. It is. And I'm gonna stress this and I'm a y'all gonna hear me talk about this a lot this year, because you know people that's joined, people that's in our community, anybody that we speak with. The narrative of financial independence is real.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And when. And I always tell people, don't get this misconstrued Financial independence does not mean that you can't, that you get to a point where you don't earn money anymore or you just that's not what it is. It's about the fact that you do not have to earn money.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter what you do for a living, it don't matter if you own you know seven businesses. If you have, well it's whatever. If you wake up in the morning and you are not free to do whatever you wanna do and whatever it is that your income is, if that income stops, then that lifestyle is gonna change. Then you're not financially independent.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So that's the goal.

Speaker 3:

So I think, so I think this is good, right here I'm gonna I'm gonna interject real quick because I see one of the questions, so we're gonna jump into these questions y'all, yeah, so we gotta, we gotta Wait, but this one, this one, a lot of them.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I got. So the game by the player is is is guess who? Okay, so we gonna say some questions, but we wanna guess who we talking about.

Speaker 3:

All right, so y'all guessed two in the comments. We, when we say the question, guess if it's a Capricorn or a Aquarius personality trait or a characteristic. Okay, so you struggle to balance the desire for unique lifestyle with financial responsibility. You struggle, or that or this personality trait struggles, to balance the desire for a unique lifestyle with financial responsibility. Is that a Capricorn or Aquarius?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, I think that's an Aquarius, because Capricorns are more, are more structured, more agor, go-oriented things of that nature.

Speaker 2:

Okay, right.

Speaker 3:

So you got the okay.

Speaker 2:

So yes, it's my turn.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All right. So your TikTok page includes both financial hacks and astrology memes. You are a-.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So wait, elaborate on that, though, really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your TikTok. So that just basically mean like you know you, that's what you indulge in, you are you-.

Speaker 3:

Oh, like a like a Capricorn personality type, made indulge in, you know, a fun lifestyle, but then also educational content also. Okay, cool, okay, that's good, okay, y'all. Okay, I like this. Okay, all right, that's all right. Okay, it's my turn. Let me see. You budgeted your grocery list down to the last lentil and felt a financial. It felt like a financial wizard. Is that a Capricorn or an Aquarius?

Speaker 2:

That gotta be an Aquarius.

Speaker 3:

But I would feel, okay, it is an Aquarius, but I would feel like that would be a Capricorn personality. Until you budgeted your grocery list down to the last lentil, yeah, but the Like the last bean.

Speaker 2:

But the last part of it, though, because we already, we already intellectually over the top, so like it was Really. I mean, I mean that wasn't like a that wasn't like a two-mile on-home, it kind of was, but-.

Speaker 3:

But you really, I can say that you are super intelligent. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna hang on to you, but it was the last part, like you didn't, you didn't, you didn't.

Speaker 2:

Your first time you were going to create a budget list for grocery. Now you're all good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I actually do love that about. I actually do love that about being married to you, though Is that, like you are super intelligent and I think, yeah, like I do, I'm not gonna lie like that's something that I feel blessed to actually have. Is, you know, a husband that is super intelligent, you know, because it just sometimes, like even our conversations are so productive. You know, like we talk about so many things, like we have really good dialogue, and I think that's like a very important, you know, characteristic to have in your relationship is being able to have like those really deep conversations, but that are also educational, you know, that are also fun and then loving at the same time, to where you can have that productive conflict, but then it doesn't, not, it doesn't depict like your relationship or it doesn't end in an argument, you know. So I think that that's important, but yeah, so I'm tuning in more. Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So your investment strategy involves putting money into startups that can promise to create hoverboards and flying cars.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's an aquarium. That's an aquarium. Okay, we're gonna do one more, y'all Okay. You are not easily swayed by subscription based services and resist signing up for unnecessary ones. Is that a capricorn or an Aquarius? That's definitely a capricorn. Yes, definitely a capricorn, y'all I was so money boring. I know we are not Whoa. Let me say this I probably I've always liked more. I'm not gonna say like designer things, but I'm gonna say this you know, I like luxury things, but luxury does not have to be designer.

Speaker 3:

You see what I'm saying and I think a lot of people get that miscon screwed that you know for you to like this black girl luxury type of thing, that is just like designer based Black girl luxury. I'm just saying black people, luxury is really the place that you want to live your life. What's luxurious for you, like a luxury for you, it's quality. A luxury for you as a black girl or a black man, maybe having a tub that you can stretch your feet out in and you got candles, it's clean. You got it's white, it's nice. You see what I'm saying. It's like a modern style, contemporary. You know, upgraded bathroom, maybe a luxury for you. Now, that's not designer, but it's a luxury and it's quality.

Speaker 3:

So I think that even that narrative of like the black girl luxury or black people luxury. You know era that we were in, I think a lot of people got that miscon screwed with, like just designer. But no, luxury is quality. So it's whatever you feel luxurious about doing in your life, that's the luxury for you. Now, if it's designer, hey, get your designer. We love designer.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just saying, like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Like it doesn't have to be that. So, yeah, I think that was good, I think this was really good and I definitely, I definitely want to, you know, end by saying you know, don't let your personality hinder, you know, your growth in relationships. You know, take personality assessments. You guys take the business assessment. Jay and I have both both taking that, we've taken the integrand we've also like even a five love languages. Take the five love languages quiz quiz, because a lot of times what portrait personality assessment.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, because a lot of times, you know we are conflicting because we don't understand the person that we're with. And when you take the time to really understand the person that you are with, the person that you are sharing your life with, the person that you are committed to, now y'all can actually have a smoother journey, because we're not combating each other because I don't understand you. My goal is to actually understand. So so you got a goal of, like, let's understand each other, because now I know who you are and, no, I may not have ever been with anyone that is like you, but let's take this journey together. So your personality is your personality, my personality is my personality, but let's find the median in between till well, we can have a smooth journey together and I think that that's what's important.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, y'all. Let us know, man like hit us up, let us know in the comments how y'all, how y'all working together with the different personality types.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know how y'all doing it.

Speaker 2:

If this resonated with you, especially for my capital corner, the queries yeah, definitely more job attack yeah, shadow money stores man, because hey, I'm telling you, it's a journey, why? Me and make been.

Speaker 3:

It took us time to get here yeah time to get here to understand, like how to connect and how to work through financial situations with having such different different money personality, yeah, so yeah, and I think that and I know we keep saying it was about to end, but you know, just on this note, just ending, it's like the thing about you know finances is that you know a lot of people like to avoid it, but there is nothing that you can really do, just being honest, where money is not a factor.

Speaker 3:

So it's like a set of combatting the money. Have the money work for you, you know. I'm saying it's like it's it's more difficult to fight against things that you don't understand. So once you understand how to use it, now you're not fighting. Now it's a smooth, it's smooth selling, and I think that that's the important thing about it. It's like you know, don't fight against the money, even knowing that, knowing your relationship with money, you know, knowing your relationship with money, just like you ought to know the characteristics of the person that you with, and now you're able to really again have a smooth journey so thank you guys for tuning in make sure that y'all sentences someone share y'alls money store, share the struggles that you guys have had, like let's really, you know, open up the conversation, create a safe space for people, for couples, for us to really talk about money but also make money.

Speaker 3:

Do make money you know, like let's, let's take the region is out of it. You know, when it comes to money and let's really, like we say, let's take the money, journey together. So thank you guys for tuning into the on your keys podcast.

Speaker 2:

I'm your host, me and I'm J go day aka mr on your keys, aka the monopoly boss. See y'all next time be blessed level up in game.

Speaker 1:

You can have everything, long as you do one thing you just got on your keys. You just got on your keys.

Navigating Finances as a Couple
Budgeting and Financial Restrictions
Financial Independence and Personality Types
Understanding and Embracing Money